How are spaces in cities used by its inhabitants?

EZBET e.V Interactive workshop
09.05.2023 I 14:00 – 18:00 I Öz Cafe (Allmandring 6, 70569, Stuttgart)
Guest Keynote Speaker M Sc Shaharin Elham Annisa. Moderation by Dr. Eng. Ahmed Habib
The aim of this event is to foster a collaborative dialogue between fellow practitioners, academics and interested individuals on various aspects of urban planning, connecting East and West, North and South. EZBET e.V. is raising the question “How are spaces in cities used by its inhabitants?” and aims to discuss this under the umbrella topic of Socio-Spatial Placemaking. The four-hours event, organized by EZBET e.V., will feature a series of interactive activities, starting with a keynote speech, followed by a workshop with interactive dialogue with participants grouped into thematic groups. In addition, some of EZBET e.V.’s latest initiatives will be presented as part of an exhibition. The executive director of EZBET e.V., Prof. Dr. Manal El-Shahat will be giving a welcome speech at the beginning. Our Egyptian guest Dr. Eng. Ahmed Habib, the Research Coordinator of KAIROS City LAB will be moderating the event, opening the discussion with the keynote speaker Shaharin Elham Annisa and encourage the exchange of experiences and knowledge with the attendees.
14:00 – 15:00
Lecture – ‘‘Permanently Temporary: The socio-spatial placemaking of lowskilled migrant workers in the Gulf States’’ by Shaharin Annisa
15:00 – 15:15
15:15 – 16:15
Breakout sessions – Interactive dialogue with participants
16:15 – 16:30
Plenum & Closing session
16:30 – 18:00
Exhibition gallery walk and networking
Opening speech of the gallary by the executive board of EZBET e.V. Prof. Dr. Manal Elshahat
For registration:
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