EZBET Project are announcing the opening of the EIE in the University of Stuttgart on the 7th of November 2018. The project welcomes the attendance of the entire city as well as other Universities and international institutions.n

WHAT IS EIE 2018 ?
EIE 2018 is an interactive event which is held in Stuttgart, showcasing the five-year experience of EZBET Project. The exhibition displays EZBET’s innovative way of community development in informal settlements through its participatory and multi-disciplinary approaches.
EIE 2018 welcomes the attendance of the city of Stuttgart, DAAD, Global Engagement, IFA, as well as many other universities and international institutions. Along with an outdoor simulated exhibition, workshops will take place about the topics of participation and bottom-up approaches.
For Further information, please find all our contact credentials on the Contact Us page on our website, or view our Facebook page “Ezbet Project”.
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